Hey Prime Mamas,
I am so excited that you popped over to check out my blog! My name is Megan and I’m an Amazonacholic. My addiction has hit a new level since becoming a mom to my two and a half year old son and six month old daughter.
The goal of my blog is to help women, moms in particular, use Amazon to make their lives easier. Why limit Amazon to household and bulk items? Let’s decorate bookshelves using only Amazon products and outfit our entire wardrobe! I will be featuring clothing, home design, beauty, and baby/kids products. You won’t have to hassle with searching Amazon for hours. I’ll do it for you in addition to testing out all of the products. I promise not to spam you with loopy cases and Tula skincare! Get ready to live the prime life and remember Amazon is simply window shopping with a guaranteed buy!
Prime Mama
Love this blog!
Thanks for the support!!
I love your blog! Who knew Amazon had such cute clothes at such great prices! You have opened my eyes to a whole new world that I’m sure Pete will appreciate so very much! I literally laughed out loud Reading the story about the vet and forgetting your dog thanks for all the great tips and tricks. ❤️
Thanks for taking the time to check out the blog. I’m glad that you enjoyed it and are discovering some good finds!! Be sure to follow me on instagram for a giveaway of my latest find!