Hey Prime Mamas,
Have you ever come across a product and wondered how you survived without it? Well, this is THAT product. However, I can’t take credit for this amazing find. My friend, Jessica, discovered this gem. As soon as I saw her little guy using it, I added it to my Amazon cart immediately! Without further ado, I introduce you to the squeasy snacker. This reusable pouch is a total game changer! It comes in three sizes ( I recommend the 6oz.), it is made of 100% silicon and is BPA free. My toddler drinks his smoothies from this and I fill it with yogurt and applesauce for snacks. It is especially convenient on the go and I don’t have to worry about my car getting destroyed! I love the convenience of pouches but I’m not always crazy about the ingredients in them and how wasteful they are. Additionally, there have been recalls for mold found in pouches! Ew! To clean the pouch you simply turn it inside out and throw it in the dishwasher. I realize this cost a bit more than a disposable pouch (prices range $12.99- $16.99) but within a week or two it pays for itself. We have been using the same four pouches for over a year and a half. It’s an investment! Stop waiting put it in your cart!
Prime Mama
It’s a winner!!
Hands down one of my favorite products!