Hey Prime Mamas,
Sorry for the brief hiatus; my husband has been having some health issues. Not to worry though, I’m back in the saddle until we have surgery scheduled. Now back to the regular scheduled programming! Do you ever have a day when you feel like you are crushing the whole Mom thing? It feels like you are in perfect sync with your kiddos and you wish you could freeze time. Well, a few weeks ago I was having one of those days, and not to brag or anything but my house also happened to be spotless! My toddler and I were playing trains and just when it seemed as if it could not get any better he said those three words that no Mom ever wants to hear. He looked at me with a sweet smile and said, “Mama, let’s paint.” Painting with a toddler is the messiest of activities and I always seem to get only a five or ten minute run out of it. It was a few hours later when I was scrubbing the floor on my hands and knees that I knew I needed a new plan. Enter one of my closest friends and mom extraordinaire, Brittany. You guys in just a few months she will have four kiddos under the age of four! Raise a glass to her or better yet the whole damn bottle! She told me about these awesome paint sticks. They dry quickly, are easy to clean up, and are the perfect size for little hands to hold. I paid $25 for these but the price always changes on Amazon. If it is expensive, just wait a few days and check back. However in all honestly can you really put a price on keeping your house clean? Until next time!
Prime Mama
Remember all those times when I thought it was an ok idea to finger paint right before Tom got home from work!! Disaster!